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FeralIsland_v0.15.157 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

Finished integrating the dynamic pen* system to FeralIsland. You can check it out in the gallery. This system works in VR & normal mode.

Special credit to
raliv for creating this awesome shader!

- Added a baked NavMesh to the island which will allow creatures to better navigate through the island and avoid obstacles. The obstacle avoiding creature behavior is not active, though.

- Updated the Spine Animator, Groundfitter and the LookAt Animator. 

- Slightly tweaked the Spine Animator behavior to improve the creature turning rotation. 

- The animation interpolation between walking to running is now not using an exit time offset. This makes the transition smoother.


- Fixed an Instantiating error that was related to prefab parenting. 

- Fixed a bug in which the Felkin rig would break if you would press ctrl while running.



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