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FeralIsland_v0.15.123 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

The "slobbery things" dev-sandbox was released recently, to test the new fluid simulation system in the game!!! It will be added to the public for free once fully implemented and stable.


- Added a Cinemachine alternative camera control for FeralIsland. This control is for VR-mode only. If you play the core game you can now tilt the head of your HMD to slightly determine the direction of the creature you control. This system will be improved in future updates even more.


- After testing the Island on my VR-headsets, I discovered that the performance was pretty bad, for that reason I took my time to overall enhance the performance of the game. This update greatly enhances the performance of the core game, by the use of LOD systems, that disable a lot of stuff, that is not visible for the camera, or inactive. FPS on the island is now nearly 40% higher! There is however still room for even more optimization.

