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FeralIsland_v0.15.072 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

Oculus Support: The Oculus Rift is now officially fully supported. The FAQ will be updated.


 - Added  collision detection for Oculus controllers to jiggle thighs, vagina, penis sheath, balls, teats and more. 

- Added overall better collision responses for Vive and Oculus users when petting ferals with hands. 

- Added an improved tail tip for rainbow in the new sand box scene. 


- Changed the size of the Oculus player camera in the gallery to increase immersion and to bring it to the same level as the Vive and the normal mode camera. 


- Fixed a bug in which moving in the gallery was sometimes behaving in a strange way in VR mode. This was caused by a single wrong equation that added two clamped values instead of multiplying them. 



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