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FeralIsland_v0.15.068 was added to the nightly_builds folder. You can download it instantly with the FERAL Tester reward tier: Link

Important: The new VR interaction system for Vive users is now fully implemented to the gallery and can be tested. Let me know if something is missing or not working. :> Once no big issues are discovered this version will be tagged as stable for future stable build releases.

Oculus Users: Keep in mind that this system is currently not implemented for Oculus users. Since there are no VR pointers for Oculus users, it is recommended to use keyboard shortcuts to interact in the gallery in addition to the current available key bindings of the controllers. Oculus Rift implemention will start in August, after the purchase of an Oculus with controllers.

The FAQ was updated.


- Added a new VR dev sandbox called "the hunt". This female solo demo scene will be released in two parts where you meet Rainbow the female felkin. Once stable enough this scene (or late a variant without unity assets) will be added to the core game.

- Added menu labels to the main menu to better distinguish between dev sand boxes and Unity demos.

- Added rainbows correct material color in the courtyard dev sandbox.


- Changed the fur loader framework to load the fur shells quicker.

- Increased the collision detection range for the toy interaction.


- Fixed a bug that was causing the game to crash when the fur shaders where visible.

- Fixed a bug that did not display the vive controllers properly when the game was loaded the first time.



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