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Hello friends.

There is a little feature coming to the January update, that was not revealed before. About this feature i want to talk today. :>

The new feature is a property that all tamed beast will have. This property is called Excitement and is a measure for - who would have guessed ... the overall excitement of your tamed or soon to be tamed beast. The value will be variable and accumulate points over time when you interact with your creature. Some creatures also will accumulate excitement without player interaction, so be warned! There are also hidden base multipliers that are different and somewhat unique to each individual creature. Which means there are some species easier to excite then others while also the body parts you interact with matters a lot. See it like some creature might be a bit ticklish at their paws, while others really liking it.

Rubbing, licking and sex all will also have direct influence on the current excitement levels of your creature which then also has direct influence on its overall behavior. So be warned this could cause some (un)wanted responses. This are some responses you can expect when you excite your pets:

  • Drooling.
  • Increased Playfulness and focus towards you.
  • Erection and pumping of male genitalia, and swelling and winking of female genitalia.
  • Swelling of teats.
  • Dry humping and mounting behavior.
  • Precum and leaking.
  • Cumming.

The interesting part is that when you are discovering a new creature that you want to tame, you first do not know what it excites the most. So its all your part as a scientist to discover and explore those needs first in order to form a strong bond with your beast. :> Don´´t forget this game is partial about exploration! And i really like the idea of having a implementation of taming that is based on curiosity and consent on both sides to form a strong bond between the creature and the scientist instead of using some sorts of capturing device or violence. (There might still be options for those harder kinks, but we will come to this other feature later)

For the January public release it will be possible to control the excitement property directly in the gallery but there are still some of the features missing, obviously for other creatures as well. But they will be added in the nightly_builds that follow after this release. But see for yourself! :>

Video: Link

(Excitement properties will be controllable for male and female fekin in the January release.)

That is all from me for today. I am really hyped for 2019 and all the things it will bring to this project. :> I hope you have a wonderful time and thank you for your support!




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