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Hello friends,

you are probably aware that we reached the first supporter goal of VR_Ferals. Thank you very much to reach the goal for this project it totally blown me away to see so much support in this short amount of time!

The reached goal will allow me to put more time into this project and also allow me to work on an additional Feral to add to VR_Ferals. This additional feral is the main focus of this post. Se lets talk about it.

Patreon community guidlines

Some of you might already know, that patreon changed the community guidlines for adult content some time ago. Some of those rules already affected some other feral-centric adult games on this platform, and i don´´ t want to take the risk for this project to be closed by some fishy community staff decisions simply because they don´ t know the difference between mythical consenting intelligent creatures and actual bestiality. Which is something that pretty much immediately comes into mind, justified or not, if someone works on an adult feral-centric game like this. One of the biggest concern i had was, that a potential winner; for example horse, wolf or tiger might draw some unnecessary attention. And that creating those realistic models could break patreons community guidelines, which could endanger the whole project. For that reason i would stay more focused on the implementation of more mythical, fantastical and alien creatures. (This was btw also the overall intention of this project anyways, also a felkin and all other creatures can be pretty much considered alien, because the game plays on a different planet or spoiler: simulation) Nevertheless there is a solution that i already have discussed with some of you on discord. So the idea is to add a fantastical version of a wolf or horse to VR_Ferals instead of the real deal. Those creatures still would have bits that are pretty close to their canine and equine counterparts but their morphology will visibly differ form those real animals. So before creating the poll i would talk with you about the options we would have. If there is anything to add let me know!

Possible Poll Options

One of those creatures i was thinking of was a kirin(horse). Those mythological creatures look a lot like big horses with carp or dragon likes scales and horns. Those creatures remind a bit of eastern-dragons and prefer mountains and more cold biomes on the island. They have horse like heads but fairly sharp teeth and are omnivores. Like normal horse they have a long mane and are pretty well equipped in terms of their reproductive organs. Their females also tend to be pretty "winky", if you know what i mean.

The canine specimen would be a so called abysshound(canine) which is a short furred quadruped(or maybe six-legged) feral creature that prefers volcanic active regions on the island. Their skin is black like obsidian and they have very sleek and muscular body shapes with flamming orange eyes. They are often considered play toys for bigger drakes and female dragonesses since they are immune to the abysshounds fire-breath.

A feline specimen would be a lynx and sabertooth like smilodon(feline) with a long floofy lion-like mane. They will have brush like ears like a lynx and fairly short tails. Those creatures also tend to inhabit mountains and red-wood like forests. They love to hunt down anthros and other smaller prey, so be warned.

Other options that are more obviously centered around more mythical creatures are: Hydra, Leviathan, Gryphon, Eastern-dragon.

Also orcas and dolphins might be an option, even though they kinda break my earlier stated focus changes. I will add them to the poll though because i think they are pretty "alien"-like and exotic.

Im also open to discuss more primal and dinosaur-like creature in the future. Also keep in mind that in long-term i would love to create (or commission) all of those creatures. But i would prefer to focus on the most popular poll results first.

Dragon Option

Also i was planning on changing the overall current look of the dragon model. Since it does not keeps track with the current quality for this project and the dragon model is fairly old. I developed a lot of skill in that time and i think i currently can do better. I would also really like to create a customizable dragon model that allows people to recreate their own dragon characters in VR_Ferals.

Since this is considered a very long and time consuming process for me to create such a customizer, also because their are a lot of potential horn, wing, ridge, penis, slits, cloaca added to those models i would like to put this as an option to the poll as well. The benefit of this would be that i could put more time into the dragon before moving over to other ferals, especially since i know, that a lot of people would really like to see and have a well animated and rigged dragon to play with in this game. The downside of this of course is, that it will take a lot longer to see an actual new feral.

So i thought it would be nice for you tho have this as an possible option to pick. If you think this would be taking away a slot for a new Feral and its not a good idea, let me know! In the end i would like to let the community decide! :> Otherwise I would like to add it to the poll as an option.

Timeline and project focus

2Bulls1"Cow" is considered the very first mating scenario that was added to VR_Ferals. It is pretty much a stress test for me if all the goals and things i have in mind for the felkin rig are reachable. I found some potential bottlenecks that i would like to fix before finishing the female rig. One thing for example is the stretchable butthole (It did not stretch enough to handle a whole felkin x) ), some other stretchable soft-body parts and some dependency related issues. Most of those issues already have been solved or at least improved. The current scenario though will still use the old un-forked rig. Which is totally fine, from the dev and pipeline point of view because, since the 2Bulls1"Cow" scenario never was intended to get an upgraded rig in the future.

There will also come a little intermission, second part(rough sexing) and climax animation for the 2Bulls1"Cow" scenario. I am currently working on that - and its looking pretty sexy. It will be possible for the users to decide the pace of the mating progression with only minimal interactive input. Since the observer should pretty much enjoy the view without fondling to much around with the controllers, if you know what i mean. :> So there will be an "automatic play" option as well.

Currently i am also working on a very special and sexy commissioned felkin fur pattern and also some gallery related features like interchangeable felkin skins. I consider the felkin database for the swapping to be done when the first new addition to the felkin pack is released with a nightly build, probably next week. There should be some additional nightly builds coming out in between, though to prepare for this update. Also stay tuned for this additional felkin fur pattern, because it will have a new little cute animation added as well.

In addition to that I work on a little UI that allows users to change the graphical settings in the gallery. This will be a crucial addition to the game to allow all PC-rig ranges to work smoothly. This also needs to be implemented before adding post-processing to VR-mode which is currently disabled due to the big hit towards overall-performance it currently has.

After that i will finally finish the female felkin rig and add it to the game. Damn i cannot wait to see those hot females in motion. There will also be another yet top secret female felkin added for this purpose. This female felkin will also get her very own little scenario which you will be. And and if you do not know yet. Each commissioned fur pattern will also be available as the opposite gender!

Medium-term the focus in the development will shift towards releasing a little upgrade to the raptor and working on some nice female raptor animations including a "blueish" and "clever girl" like skin color. The raptor model update will be considered less work than the dragon, because it does not contain to much possible variations and the rig and the model for it is pretty much done. Also the female raptor will be released before the male version.

So thats all for this update. Cheers, and have a good one! :>



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