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Hello dear friends,

today i successfully upgraded VR_Ferals from Unity 5.6 to Unity 2018.2. Its always a bit scary to move two version releases up but i´´ m excited to use the new features, which will allow me to implement some very nice render pipeline related things in the future. And ... oh boy, i already love the new template feature. Swapping creature skins without swapping the whole materials never was this easy, because now you can simply but them in a little loading code with all the necessary files and save them as a template. The engine upgrade is also giving me more options for VR integration which hopefully fixes the CV1 related UI bugs in the gallery.

I also worked on some advanced fur solutions. The fur now uses an additional layer of curliness to get a more realistic look. On top of that, it also supports wind now which is pretty nice if you ever wanted to use a fur-dryer on one of those cute little things. =3

I will post a little wind an fur demo soon. For now, have a little fur demo.

Video Teaser: Link

Oh and btw the Gallery also got its very own day/night and weather system as well.

