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Happy to see you've enjoyed this episode esp when we see that glimpse of Aang when he gets into Avatar state. One of my favorite elements of the show too is the characters interaction that even if we are just meeting them we can already distinguish what kind of characters they are (like how we still can see that Aang is just a kid who wants to play and have fun and understand that being the Avatar is a big responsibility) and from there, boi you'll love to see the character development as the show goes on. And bruh the animation when they are bending, i love how you notice Aang's agility and that he always comes swiftly just like a wind or air i guess we can say xD


I saw those cheeky laughs on Sokka's joke btw, you are in for a treat xD

Izaya's VIP Chatroom

Yeah, he really suits being an Airbender, purely because of the fact that he just goes with the flow and is very carefree. Much like Air itself xD Hooo boy, I'm loving the animation in this already so I'm excited to see what happens when things start to ramp up!