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Hey everyone. Wanted to update here really quick. I'll be honest, been very demotivated recently and so making progress quickly has been difficult. I really wanted to have more up here on Patreon and on the main channel this month, but its been slow going.

In addition to that, I've been working on getting my drivers license this month, so thats been slowing things down a bit as I focus on that.

It's not all doom and gloom though! Let me tell you guys what my plans are for the near future:

1. I want to start doing Minecraft streams! I'm not very good at Minecraft but I think starting a little singleplayer world and getting to play that on Twitch would be fun.

2. Alphabet Lane 2's devlog will probably start soon, because I've started getting more serious about planning and gathering/creating assets. Just like the last game, the devlog series for Alphabet Lane will be available exclusively here on Patreon.

3. Working as best I can on this OFF video! Still in the writing phase, but here's a secret: It will have a feature from a great creator, so look forward to that!

Because we're in such a dry spell right now, here's a couple screenshots of some WIP stuff to hold you guys over. Thanks so much for your patience everyone!




Doing Minecraft Streams would be great depending about how you feel on it, if it feels like you want to then go for it :)


Take as long as you need, I know how it feels to be demotivated and it’s not fun. Can’t wait to see the Minecraft streams :D