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Good afternoon (or evening)!

Crazy how this Patreon has already been up for over 7 months now. Even though there's not as much content as I'd like, I would like to know how everyone feels regarding the page at the moment. I've created a short survey to record this, and I plan to do this every six months.

Here is the link: https://forms.gle/DK1rp4J6YLVBWj4v9

I would like to thank everybody once again for supporting me for this long. This is the longest time I've had my Patreon open, and it has helped me significantly with paying my bills. I still plan to add a lot more benefits as soon as possible, as at the moment, I'm still at a net loss for making monthly pieces, but until then, I hope everybody continues to support me and enjoy the content I put out. I hope to be a lot less by that volatile and more reliable as an artist in the far future! ^^

Have a great day everyone!


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