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Well, that was a bit of a blowout! haha, the true power of the Super tomboy! No doubt in my mind though that the rest of those chars will have their chance to shine. In the meantime though, if there's any suggestions/ideas for this pic I'm all ears!

What do we wanna see! Do love this new design for Lois Lane tbh so glad to get my chance here! Lotta potential with ol Lois haha, bullying clark maybe? or maybe Superdicking? Lemme know what yall got cookin and I'll see what I can whip up over the weekend

Edit: quick bump! Got a few sketches ready in the can but just making sure everyone gets any last ideas get in there, got a pretty good idea of what I wanna do with this one



How about Lois grinding her phat ass on Clark's croch?


Maybe aggressive flirting and smooches?