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Hi everyone hope you're all doing ok these days, sorry for the long hiatus I actually was very very busy because I finally moved out of my parents house to an apartment and I'm learning how to be independient lol so I had to buy all new furniture like a desk and a chair. So yeah, I'm sorry once again for the long time without a new post but I'm updating this week with a request that was asked previously and the GIF will be done soon too. 

I also wanted to let everyone know that I will change patreon subscriptions to charge upfront because I had some people deleting pledges and looking at my content for free (prob maybe stealing art idk for reuploads). So if you already pledged for this month it won't charge you again. It will charge on the first of next month for July content. I just wanted everyone to know and be clear on why I'm doing this now. I did'nt know you could do it so I just recently discovered it that's why. 

Thank you for supporting my content and I will ask for new requests next month. c:



Hope you enjoy your new home! Stay safe!!!!


Happy to have you back!