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I will get back to creating more animations with my Tifa model soon. But with the discovery of a new method of modifying jiggle physics in FF7R, and with people likely going back to replay Remake with the new Rebirth news, I have an itch to go back and upgrade my Tifa Nude Natural mod to Version 8. I've been stewing over a list of things that I could improve on since releasing V7. Version 8 will include these following improvements:

  • Improved pubic hair fidelity with texture (similar to my Street Fighter mods)
  • Improve breast physics to Bonamik (complete)
  • Improve nipple texture
  • Improve lower anatomy geometry (complete)
  • Improve breast shape
  • Improve belly button texture (complete)
  • Improved finger nail appearance
  • Upgrade to Tifa Hyper HD textures

In this WIP, I've mostly focused on improving the appearance of the breast shape and texture (I've only done her left nipple texture so far), but I feel the shape is now both more realistic and more appealing, and I am pushing to improve it a bit further. 

One downgrade this mod will have though is that I've decided to only create 1 variation for the initial launch, as I want to put all my focus into making this one model as good as possible. V7 had 18 variations and I feel the quality in some areas was decreased a bit because of that.

Hopefully I'll be able to complete this mod in just a few days, but I will post another WIP update when more progress has been made!




Ohh!! Another Tifa version. Marvelous. I have to admit that I do prefer the areola on the previous ones. The nipples are rather high up on this one, and the breasts are quite 'side facing'. The textures are much better, and I love the body as a whole but breast wise, I prefered the previous versions I must add ._.


Dude this is awesome! Cant wait to see both nude topless and original style tifa versions! Will say if you can somehow figure out how to do a sheer top tifa version I will call you a god. I think the major problem was clipping ya? Hopefully with this improve physics this is now possible.


Thank you! I'm using more photo references than previously, and I feel like I'm getting pretty close to the references, but I will continue to tweak and try to improve it!


Yeah, clipping and proper depth feel is tricky. Since if you just drop the clothing opacity as a whole, it will like like a weird translucent plastic or something. They did a pretty good job with the Lifeguard Tifa outfit for Ever Crisis, but I think it being just a texture for a fairly low resolution model helps it too. But the texture does look convincing.