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Idk what this does so I'm just typing here to see what it does. That is all. oh is this like a news board maybe???



Ive been editing my tiers/settings and benefits so hopefully I haven't been sending out notifications with each item I changed. don't worry I didn't delete ANY benefits from any tiers. I wouldn't do that to you guys ❤️. only adding and reorganizing so that it is more manageable for me. If you guys ever have any questions about anything don't hesitate to dm me.

Alan Weaver

I have only been getting notifications when you make a new post. I have hesitated DMing you so as to be low maintenance for my Queen. However, I will try a DM sometime if you promise to only answer when you are in the mood! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ P.S. Thank you for the reply on YouTube and saying "love you"! What a thrill to hear those words and feel like one of your babies!!!