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I was able to get things done relatively quickly as far as Feburary was concerned and I wanna keep that going. I technically started rather late in the month so I still have 1 or 2 sketches I'm late on. All things considered, I have no doubt that I should be able to get them done this month. 

I know things were a little weird what with me changing the tier on you all and bringing it up to 20 dollars, and I've noticed some of you haven't moved over yet, which tbh is fine, just make sure to do so eventually if you still want a sketch ya'know?
SO. With that in mind.

Here is the link with which you can put in your sketch request, same one as always.

Thank you for being a patron and I promise to work quickly and get those rewards out to ya'll. Fun fact, I've figured out how I wanna upload these to IB, Twitter, and FA, I just gotta get around to doing it. 


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