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So. We're almost there everyone. I graduate this December, Gods willing, and I want to thank all of you for being with me on the ride that was this year, to all those who communicate with me regularly you know how I've been, and to those who haven't.... well no reason not to give you the update.

I've been working retail for near a year now while going to school. I'm not even sure I'll get something in my major, but there's a lot of hope things will turn and work out, I am feeling positive about it. I'm honestly just happy to be graduating and getting my Degree. Other things I'll need to do include getting my license and actually learning how to drive since I've kind of been... I guess scared of doing it. Partly the act and mostly the cost. Cars and gas are expensive after all. It will be necessary to do though and I will make time to do it. I'll also be making more time to draw and I think I will try and find a way to do rewards even if they're just small icons or Chibis. I'mma be exploring that.

Which, is why I wanted to say to all of you who have stuck by me so long... Thank you. Thank you so very much for this year, I want to give you all something back if I can. Partially as a thank you... and as a Christmas gift!

I'mma be drawing Chibis for you guys. Give me a character and I'll get you a nice chibified character in return! Just get back to me as soon as possible so I can make it happen and don't be afraid to mention a pose if you have one in mind.


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