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A long time ago, there was an orphan who got adopted by a martial art school, he was not very smart but they still cared and treated him like their own child. One day, their country got invaded andall of the males were drafted to war, beside who was too old or too young like him. So he waited at home, for days, months, years and no one has returned. Worried and frustrated, he grabbed the weapons and disappear into the wood trying to find his family. No one in the village has heard from them ever since.
Years later when the village got attacked, a strange man with a strong resemblance of that child jump out and protected them, beating up the invaders. Since then, the strange man keep appearing whenever problem brewed near the village, people described him as "naked , with a child-like expression, and a pair of sword" . The village became peaceful for nearly a hundred years.
Today if we visited the same place the martial art school, we will see that it has became a shrine, the locals here would worship their "wild god" , after hearing the same story,  visitors would come to conclusion that it was the child that grown up there to be the god himself. In the end, no one truly know the answer, perhaps it's him, or his spirit lost in the journey of finding his family, or other possible endings.

I hope you enjoy my little story ! Sorry if my english or grammar is bad xD, I probably need to draw a chonky binturong after all of this, i've grown fond of them now !
Edit: refined the edges in some parts




Before reading the story: Aww, what a cute wild spirit!!! After reading the story: Blood on the sword…a little bit creepy but sad wild spirit… He has such a childlike expression! I think he protected the village for his family who might return someday. Today, he is worshiped as a “wild god” but he might still miss the memories of his childhood with family. Thank you for telling a good story with our! I find him more appealing xD


Poor guy lost everything but still stepped up to become a true hero 😭


Haha i'm happy that you like the story ! I'll try to come up with them as long as I have an idea for the character background !


He's following his family's teaching c: I hope he found peace in the end


I love how you manage to do the body that looks like both fur and brush strokes, nice work!