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Hooo boooooy! Man I am knackered, but it's time fooooor:

Behold, Rainy DayZ, the long awaited Typhoid Mary scenario!

Play it online:

Mobile link:

Download v4.5a:

If you've already got v4 installed, just download the upgrade pack:

And here's a v4.5b bugfix patch. This should fix the zombie word replacement from breaking scenario 1, and fix two missing images from Amy's sabotage ending outside of the gallery:


--- New Content:
- Properly added the Typhoid Mary scenario. Created in just over a week!

--- Other Changes:
- Centered the title card so it looks better on mobile
- Fixed a number of Scarlet Mansion errors and typos
- Fixed the scenecount on the side menu of Scarlet Mansion showing hidden tapes in the scene total before you've unlocked them

Cheat Codes:
pool noodle - Shows you a guide on how to unlock any scenes you're missing.
hard rain - Unlocks all scenes

Sorry it's late! I planned to have two weeks to develop this scenario, but scarlet mansion ended up needing way more attention than I'd expected, and then time started vanishing to the abyss that is game development, and my final term of school is coming up and so on and so on. Honestly, I just hope you enjoy.

There were a lot of features cut for time:
Better hiding for items you need to snoop for, and a chance at getting caught while snooping
An epilogue where you / keith have a short snippet transforming into different strains based on what you did across the scenario
Angela's personal fantasy diary
Non WS variations for the cafeteria and Amy's sabotage ending scenes
Player dialogue difference if you let Monica go
Alternate tyler infection where you're doing the work instead of Lisa
The metal cage's key breaking off leaving you trapped inside
Random short fluff encounters that occur around the base, like stumbling onto Lisa exercising or Amy in the showers.
Extra survivors not required for the infection ending, like a pregnant woman or a stablekeeper.

Mary's carrying a lot of expectations, but ultimately I wanted a break from Scarlet's complex flag management so I focused heavily on writing scenes and didn't worry too much about mary's mechanics. This means I got basically double the lewd content but the scenario's structure can feel kinda dry. Ultimately, I hope you enjoy! 

I have my final term of college coming up, and many things to juggle, so I shall be closing the book with this final scenario. If there's something you think I should add someday, let me know! Which campaign needs some extra attention the most? Which was the most fun? Was mary good or did it not live up to what you were hoping for? Do you think the time requirements in the scenario are too strict?

Let me know, and I hope you stay healthy!



question, how do you play the game, since i've downloaded the link, it will not let me play it. most likely a problem on my end tho.


Sorry, the link was directing to the test server by mistake. Fixed, the links point to the right place now