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Heya folks! Sorry I've been quiet, I've been busy! 

The last poll's wrapped up, it was really neck and neck but an overhaul to the game's engine won! I'm pretty happy about this, as a better engine means new content can be added more efficiently. Everyone deserves some time to de-spaghettify.

The schedule is a little complicated now, so I made pictures!

As you can see v26 will be releasing tomorrow, mostly featuring content written by Cryptogreek, who I am very grateful towards for helping generate content while I do engine modification. I'll be charging patrons tomorrow. It's been a while since I did a double release month, so as a reminder I only charge once a month, even if I release multiple game updates.

v26 Will wrap up Reese (adding a hotel ending) and an ending for Anri, as well as add content to Skye written by ace. All that's on the PTR right now, and Crypto is also writing (and aiming to complete in a single shot) a new girl! Woo~! 

I'm also working on finishing up the content of Rainy DayZ I've been writing bit by bit over the months, I may have said that I'd wait until I can go full time but I have a good while before my next college term (I'll be graduating soon!) so why not use my break to have some fun and get all these mostly-finished scenes out of my note app.

Next month I'll be wrapping up Rainy DayZ and then publishing the finished engine rebuild of HU. If crypto or modders can create content alongside the engine rebuild it'll be the release of v27, but I'm gonna keep my focus entirely on engine coding.

This and next month, I'll be working doubletime, cheer for me! And, if you can, please lemme know everything you think needs changing about university and rainy. This is the best time to report bugs! And as always thanks for reading/playing!

In other news something's really been impacting my ability to sleep, leading to me switching between complete insomnia some days and sleeping for 20 hours on other days. I have a doc's appointment coming up to check that out, but I'm otherwise healthy so I'm more annoyed than worried. With that said, I'm quite tired, so... zzZZZ~


Wild Bill

Hopefully you don't find it too hard to make the changes you need to. The only one I remember hearing about is the loading code needing to be rewritten to properly use promises, that one should be easy enough at least.