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Ladies and gentlemen, good morning afternoon and evening! Today I bring you the next character poll for Hentai University! Who will be our star tonight? This is strictly for carnivores! 

All vegetarians should wait for the next poll, which will probably be for v25. For v24 on the veg side I'm working on Victoria and probably also the gyaru trio since they're fun to write.

But now it's time for the femboyyyyyyyyyys! Let's get a taste of who our contestants will be tonight!

First up we have this gashionable gyaru boy. A regular social butterfly with extremely mature tastes in partners, and you just so happen to match! For this recipe I'll be adding a little bit of a pinch of Najimi from Komi-san, a dash of Astolfo from fate, and a heaping tablespoon of genderswapped Steph. And if that isn't enough his set crosses over with another character, so if you're interested in a femboi threesome than this is who should get your vote.

The black-haired succubus working for Meph, I often get asked about this one whenever people see he's on the tier list. He only has two scenes in game but hey, if you want mega super turbodom sex then this is the place to find it. If you liked the first half of Meph before he started trying to manipulate you, this is the boy for you!

It's a buy-one-get-one-free special! You've seen a lot of this kind of relationship in the game so far, and it's as fun for me to write as it is for you to read, but this one should prove to be a different kind of interesting. These two will absolutely play straighter into the sissification angle like Sam and Damien.

Oh, and the mother has a penis.

So! Let me know who you'll be voting for, and this time only a special deal! Write a post telling me what you hope to see from who you vote for, and for 100% off I will read your comment! What a bargain!