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Hey all, Noodle here. 

You've probably noticed that over the last few months my release pace has slowed down, and as many of you know that's been because of financial hardships. This is all info I've covered before in pieces here and elsewhere, but I thought I'd summarize it into a single post. 

While odd jobs and your guy's support have helped a ton, and have helped me with food and making sure I've got a roof, balancing college work with making rent saps away a lot at my development time. This is why I've been a one-release per month noodle lately. 

I was aiming for a release on the 30th, but I didn't make it T.T . More on what v20 will include later. 

I've been shopping around for a proper day job, as the odd bit of freelance work pays some bills but isn't consistent and currently I'm living off of savings. To be honest I spend most of my days wishing I were coding instead. I've set a goal of $1000 a month, which is what it'd take for me to be able to do game development full time while also making enough money to pay rent and give a little leeway for groceries. I've been aiming for this number for almost a year though, so I don't expect to jump up there anytime soon, especially since my current release schedule isn't as fast or as consistent as I like. 

Until I meet the goal I'll probably be slow with releases, and until then I'll be sticking squarely with University as it's the lowest maintenance of my games. I'll also try to make more preview posts and polls, but as the record shows when I don't have a lot of time I tend to buckle down and right and end up putting off making patreon posts. Especially since my schedule's so loose that I can't really make accurate predictions when things will release. 

Still, to all of you who've supported me so far, I appreciate you all! I won't give up on improving!

So, here's a little preview for v20!: 

Ace on Discord finished a new update for Dan, which is on the PTR for testing. He, like me, is always eager to hear feedback so feel free to drop in and let him know what you think of the new content, or just of Dan in general. 

I've been working on a few characters, first off are Olivia, Ella, and Daniella. I feel that Olivia's friend and sister could use a lot more oomph, and I've got entire scenes primed for Daniella's buxom mother that I think you'll all enjoy. 

While the final bonus porno is too big to fit into v20, I wanna do an update for Lana and Andrea that will allow you to be properly paid for your work. You deserve some money for your appearance in all those X-rated films. I threw in the "Sweet Gains" skill into Robin's content mostly as a joke, but that skill would probably increase how much you are paid. 

I've also been working on a new boi, a priest at a ramshackle "church". He was visited in a dream and taken on a tour of heaven, which happened to be a paradise of fembois, and he's taken to preaching the good word about them.

Mechanically he'll give you trials, listening to his sermons, enduring degenerate mode from Anomaly Vault for a day to test your temperance, and more, and rewarding you for all your hard work after you complete them. As a good priest, he'll have some special interractions with certain demonic cast members. 

I also have a number of unfinished scenes for Damien and Robin, mostly corruption scenes and their appearances in Gou / Meph's endings. They weren't going to make it for v20 due to time constraints, but now that I have a little more time maybe they'll make it in? 

I created this chart to outline each character's status in the game. I'll have more on these unimplemented characters at the bottom in future posts, overall though I hope you'll enjoy all that's to come.

(Note: Completely Complete? means I can't think of anything else I could do with the character. It's not impossible for me to write more Emily, for example, I just don't have anything at all planned.) 

At some point in the future I'll go a lot more in-depth on this list. Until then, I'll keep writing. Should all go well then Hentai University v20 will release on December 17th!


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