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Gutten tag chads!

Today I'm happy to announce a new game I'll be working on. It's mostly just a concept at this point but what better time to show off a game than when you have nothing tangible to show?

Without further ado I present:

Help! I've Been Transformed into a Chicken Nugget by Singer Sensation Ja Rule!

You, a game developer making a living writing smut, stumble into a dire situation which threatens to turn your very lift upside-down and deep fry you to golden crispy perfection!

But, fear not, once a year you're blessed with the opportunity to send out a cry for help! Be careful however, as Ja Rule is right over your shoulder, always watching.

Always... Watching...

Look forwards to plenty of previews on this soon-to-be masterpiece, accessible from my master index. I should have a playable demo sometime next year!

Take care all. And if any of you happen to know how to counter a polymorph spell cast by a level 19 bard, let me know here or on discord!

(for realsies though, I have fun stuff planned for april. Take care all!)


Noh Bhodie

>ja rule being a level 19 bard Everything makes sense...