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Salutations everyone! I won't ask if you had a good 2020, I think we could all use a fresh start. Myself included!

Starting in 2021 I'd like to start chewing through some new projects, but that means finishing up all my promises and loose ends! This all might sound a little familiar but please bear with me for a moment. Thank you to everyone who's been patient thus far, especially Swallows999! Anomaly Vault fans, and everyone who's been waiting for more Human Alteration App, sorry it's taken so long...

Managing multiple games at once is tough, even with a co-author for university. So, for this month the only release will be Hentai University v16! HOWEVER, with this release my goal is to wrap up EVERY loose end I possibly can and leave the game in a good state for a hiatus so that I can work on everything else. I'd like to finish and release on Christmas, but given how much I have planned I may need to release on the 31st instead.

Here is the general outline for content planned for Hentai University v16 by priority:
- Charlotte, the final PTSA member
- Victoria's corruption
- Gou's Ending & Epilogue
- Meph's Ending and Epilogue
- Implementing the unfinished Evelyn scenes
- Repeatable scenes for Madison
- Repeatable scenes for Cassandra
- Repeatable scenes for Justine
- Tia's B-Route

However, there's also a massive list of smaller engine changes, such as random encounters on the map, a better map of the university, and the mega easy mode with QoL changes. I'm biting off quite a bit more than I can possibly chew, but I'll do my best anyways~

Charlotte is about 50% done in terms of writing already, so I'd say I'm making a good pace. She's got a team of her own athletes, although don't expect the same depth as Slacker's volleyball team. Please please please don't hesitate to know if there are any areas of the game or my characters that currently feel unfinished or like they drop off sharply! Or if you have any ideas for Victoria's corruption (or the daunting aftermath).

Speaking of her, my general plan for Vic is that you gather a council of all the PTSA members you've corrupted, coming up with a variety of plans, such as:
- Corrupt Lisa, collect blackmail material, lewd Victoria by force and break down her will
- A potion to erase her intelligence and willpower that improves with every orgasm
- Cause a schoolwide orgy and let Victoria fall apart as she sees it happen
- Have the rest of the council grow dicks and gangbang Vic and Lisa

I've also been entertaining a lot of other ideas but these main ones seem to have the most potential. As I get closer to release I'll probably have more detailed previews, although the lewd ones will have to stay on discord. As for the aftermath, I'm conflicted. Maybe I'll do a short epilogue than go to credits, and set up a larger wandering of a post-corruption school for later?

Next week I'll do suggestion responses, so be sure to send me them at any of the anonymous suggestion boxes if you want to see them answered this month. They're all up on the index if you'd like to use them!

 I have a ton of work ahead of me but if it'll make your 2020 any better than it will have all been worth it! And don't worry, I'm taking breaks. Final Fantasy 14 is a good way to relax from writing.

Wish me luck!


Wild Bill

One idea I had for Victoria would be a gaslighting/betrayal one, corrupt Lisa and have her start spiking Victoria's drinks with a mild sedative and aphrodisiac to put her off balance, then use our control over all the other girls to stage a number of lewd happenings around the university and have everyone treat them as perfectly normal so she starts thinking *she's* the crazy one. After a while she'd come visit us herself and we diagnose her with stress and suggest hypnosis, then we have her.


That's a fantastic idea! Maybe done like a lewd version of Madison's corruption, where you can choose who you do lewd things with? I think the only trouble though would be the fact that if the player is the only one doing the fucking, Vic would clearly just suspect you, and probably not trust you enough to submit. How would you convince her that the first time she sees you and someone together that it isn't just you screwing around on the job?

Wild Bill

I wasn't thinking the player would be involved with things or yeah, that would make her suspicious. I was thinking solo things like Madison's art piece, having a girl showing up to school in an absurdly sexy outfit or naked, or masturbating in public, or showing off her new buttplug to everyone, that kind of thing. Without anyone reacting she'd be wondering if what she thinks she's seeing is actually really happening. Ideally there'd be a progression with the first ones being short glimpses from a distance and the later ones she gets closer to, that's how it would happen in a story but of course there would be limits to how many events there could actually be in the game.


Maybe it can be done the other way around, that is, the player will anger Riley in some way and she will take the phone and run away (well, or something like that) or she will steal it by wondering what the player is doing with him


Riley? I think you meant to reply to another post? If you mean about the Lisa idea, I'm not a fan of using an angry riley as there'd be a lot of overlap with Jean in the sub route with that idea