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Hiya friends! I just got finished with a massive load of real life troubles, but I just wanted you all to know university's v15 is on track. I actually had crypto write up a preview post for me so I can keep focused.

Ladies and gentlemen... Crypto!

"Hey there folks, hope you've been enjoying the game thus far - it's that wonderful time again where we post some tantalizing teasers for the content that's planned to release in just a few short days. Noodle mentioned writing Olivia, so you absolutely have them to look forward to, but we've also got a bit more content for the pure maid Anri, as well as the maid and mistress combo-deal of Lena and Anna too! Lots of maidery today.  

People who finished Anri's content from the last time he was given some scenes might remember there being mentions of certain outfits that you can request... There will two different outfits ready-to-play on release-day, one of which you'll see then (or earlier if you hop in the Discord to help test things), and one of which is named here in this little preview! Hope you're looking forward to that!  

As for Anna and Lena, I've decided to give them an 'ending'. There's still more scenes I plan on doing with them in the future (hypnotizing Anna into begging like a b*tch in heat is on a list of scenes I really wanna do), but this will let you finish off their main scenes and see how the story would end if you decided to go exclusive with them. And, of course, that definitely qualifies as cause to celebrate, doesn't it?"

I hope you'll be excited! I already charged on my first release so this one will be free. With Olivia checked off it'll just be Charlotte and the ever-sought-after Victoria! No pressure on me or anything!

I appreciate your patience so far! The actual release time may be late on friday, it might even be on saturday depending on your timezone. Hope it'll be worth the wait!


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