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Saaaaalutations friends! How's it going? HAA is going steady, but it's mostly just fixing old code and moving old scenes into the new engine. My computer gave out but I've got a new one now. A few issues but nothing that'll hold me back from development. I'm still writing scenes for the streamer in particular, any suggestions?

Anyways here's the outline for what's coming in Hentai University v12. At the start crypto was going to spread his focus across Nikki and Anri, while also working on content for the cafe. Now he's opted to just focus on Nikki for the update, which means you'll get more than just 2-3 scenes for her. Setting up a new character can take time after all.

So for v12 I've decided to help out and write some scenes for Ash Martin. I made this image-based scene select menu while workshopping ideas for HAA, I think it should inject a little bit of variety into Ash's club and make it feel a little different from hanging out with Sam.

I've used placeholder images here as I can't post lewdness to patreon without locking the post to patrons only. I'll post other version with the lewdness on my discord and f95/hypnopics. The outfits that'll have scenes will be a schoolgirl outfit, a swimsuit, a frilly outfit, a succubus outfit if you corrupt him, but most of Ash's scenes will be in his bunnyboi outfit.

In total v12 will have 9 short scenes for Ash, not too shabby for a few day's work. Exactly how much content Nikki will have  is still up in the air, but she's got all her setup work and two scenes done that are currently being tested on the test server.

So all-in-all this month's output is some Rainy DayZ and a decently sized Hentai University release. HU v12 will release on the 24th, Hope you enjoy! I'll try to put out the scenes for HAA I have finished so far on the 31st. Talk to you all again soon!


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