Hentai University Demo (Patreon)
Hello again everyone!
Hentai University is the winner of the poll. I apologize for taking so long to get back to you all, I kept thinking "Oh, the HU demo is almost done, I'll just make the post when I'm finished."
One thing led to another, but I'm happy to announce that Hentai University's demo is done. It's mostly an empty sandbox with a few teaser scenes sprinkled throughout. Please feel free to give it a try and let me know what you think (and definitely let me know if it breaks). It's only online for the moment at https://noodlejacuzzi.github.io/Hentai%20University/Hentai%20University.html
There's nothing up for the game on my Master Index just yet, I'll work on getting it up there next. Also, I don't recommend saving, as that could cause problems when I release the full version. Feel free to try though, I'm not the police.
One thing to consider is player images. The main character is male, but if you have a specific character image you'd like to use for yourself, please email it to me and I can make it an unlockable in the game. You can also message me general suggestions about what you'd like to see in version 1.
In other news I've also decided to switch to one paid release per month. This means that even if I have two major releases in, say, July, then I'll only charge patrons for the first one.
This means that the higher tiers like sponsor are more attainable, it's a straightforward $40 charge at most once per month and I'll still only be paid if I actually release meaningful content.
Speaking of which, I may have my first sponsor coming soon. I'll be working on that project at the same time as HU, I hope you'll all enjoy the results.