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Sorry I thought I posted this cat here! I posted a WIP of the shot at some point a while ago, but here's the actual finished cat!

This cat, like this rat, is a shot that WILL be in the film, but the film idea was very fresh when I did it, so I was just jumping the gun and making stuff that I knew would take place at SOME point- but not in any particular order.

For this reason, the cat has a placeholder background, since I don't actually know WHERE the cat will be when it does this. But it'll happen somewhere!

Since I animated this though, I've thought through a lot more of the details of this idea and how it'll fit together- and so, I've started work on the actual first shot, and will start chronologically making my way through the film (aka how I make most of my personal work).

Shot number 1 sucks by the way! It's taken a bunch of research and even spreadsheet making before I could start animating anything, and now I have to do about 50 separate walk cycles! So expect to see some walk cycles on here soon coz I'm gonna have a bunch.


Leah R Davis

Whenever I tell my cat to get off the bed:

Jay Bedard

I love how it goes from cute loaf to gaping maw of horror.