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Here's my thing!!! My video! It's whatever this is!

This came from a desire to do something redrawn, just to sit down and do drawings in sequence and see what happens. DONKS was all hard objects being nudged around, and I just wanted to make something where I sat down and did a drawing and then the next one, and that was the character- and I let the piece kinda form around that.

Despite being motivated by drawing, the environments are obviously very 3D- I think this squishy morphing guy boiling with aimless unrest is quite organic, and it felt right to completely contrast that with sterile surroundings, like a suffocating fish on the deck of a boat.

I already said I "just started drawing" so I evidently didn't have a plan, but at the beginning I imagined the man almost as some kind of specter, dancing at you in point-of-view. But as the video progressed and I thought more about the place he's in, it became more about that. I was thinking about all the places I (as someone who can't drive,) have gotten stuck in where there's no public transport or shade and everything is eerily far apart because nobody is 'meant' to go there on foot. But sometimes you gotta and it's weird as hell! So the dancing man ended up being me, I guess.

It's also a loop, obviously! I knew the story implied a loop but it wasn't until I'd literally finished everything and watched it that I realized I want it to be seen IN a looping format. So, when this video comes out on YouTube I think I'll do the only respectable thing, and make the video an hour long.

As for names in credits, for Secret Council patrons and up- I won't put your names at the end of a 1 hour loop because that seems like a cruel joke, so I might actually run your names along the bottom as it's happening after the first few iterations. Maybe like a news bulletin, I haven't played with the text style yet. ANYWAY if you have been in either the Secret Council or Pen Pal tiers in the months since DONKS, you're entitled to a credit and I'll be emailing you shortly asking you what your preferred name is (unless I've asked you a time before). You can also just comment here though and that will also be very handy!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed The Lost Suburbs, and that you enjoy it even more in its upcoming very long format. I don't know what exactly I will make next- I like the idea of doing more small videos using really different approaches- but before I decide that, I think I'll try and quickly get another track done for the DONKS album!

Thanks so much to all of you for your support in making this- I know this one was a pretty small and silly video, but I've learnt heaps from making it, and being afforded time to focus on experimentation and try stuff out helps me to improve my craft and build skills for the next project! Much love <3


John Bonnin

Keep practicing your craft, by all means! And if this is an example of a practice piece I think we will be very happy. It's very cool that Patreon can help an auteur like you escape the demands of production schedules, to really explore with freedom.

Christopher Guerra

Me: Wow! It's so awesome! The random person I watched it with: Most impressive!

Jay Bedard

Woah reminds me of Orgesticulanismus. Top tier animation dude