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Hello everyone!!! Thanks so much for your support this July, and all your other support all those other times. Work continues on the Donks soundtrack, AND for those who don't know I'm currently working on a short video- hopefully because it's short, it means you'll get to see it soon (soon compared to a long video, at very least!)

This month's Pen Pal drawings will be sent off in the next day or so- here's one of them that I coloured in! This drawing was in part based on prompts by my 4 year old, who is currently very interested in ants and machines (and also bubbles, like all 4 year olds). I suppose I was picturing it as some weird discontinued toy, now stashed in an attic somewhere and bubbling in solitude.

But maybe not, maybe this is a fully autonomous ant robot that's out living its life. You be the judge!



Elly Wade

Beautiful colours, love those boots

Argon Vile

That ant needs a friend!