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So as you may know, every month I send of a bunch of ink drawings to "Pen Pals". They don't know what what they're getting until they get it, which is a lot less stressful than doing specific commissions. Some months I do a paper animation and give out the frames, and one month I did a comic, but a lot of the time it's a completely random drawing, and doing these drawings has basically taken the place of my sketchbook these last few years.

In order to keep it like a sketchbook, where I can experiment and let ideas flow freely, I don't commit myself to posting every drawing online- otherwise I'd probably get too self-conscious to make the drawings come out of the pen.

But once before, I compiled 100 Pen Pal drawings and posted them on here. And now I'm doing that again! Here they are in no particular order. You can also download them as a .pdf below!




Salvador Dali been real quiet since this dropped🤔🤔🤔


The ones from February 23 definitely were some of my personal favorites. Thank you for posting these!