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Boing! Donk delivery, come get yer donks!

Each of these pieces was animated by hand, which took a dumb amount of time.
This wasn't because of any sort of animation purism- I definitely would have done this as a physics simulation if I was experienced in that sort of thing, but I'm not, so if I tried that and it didn't work then I'd have wasted my time and would still have to do it this way anyway. Whereas a bouncing ball is one of the first things people typically learn to animate, so doing that a hundred times isn't difficult, just invariably slow.

I swear all these eyeballs and shoes and bits will be arranged into characters at some point instead of lifeless piles. They just need to get to where they're going first!




Very tumbly! I kept trying to track individual donks with my eye, but it all happens so fast- as it should, the speed is perfect, but I'd love to step through this frame by frame. It would be so satisfying.


You really got the physics right on this- all the donks experience a force for the same amount of time, but the donks that start off on the far left have much further to travel in the same amount of time as the donks on the far right that are ready to tumble off the edge- so the donks that travel further should be flung further, but this is countered by the fact that donks appear to be made of light plastic, so air resistance and wind would limit the effect, so they would all move in parabolas as they bounce - and that's exactly what you see here. The donks at the top of the shot spread out a little more, but they all tumble downward sharply from air resistance and gravity.