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I don't know what this is!  A witch? Some sort of magical madam hopping towards you in any case- or floating! Not sure if her feet are reaching the ground but those trees look a long way down.
Anyway, THIS is the monthly paper animation, and the original frames will be sent to Pen Pal supporters in the coming days.

As for the other, much longer animation- it is nearly DONE!!!! One-and-a-half shots left to animate, in fact. The animating is NOT the last step, there are a bunch of other little things that need doing, which I'm frantically trying to get out of the way before the inevitable seasonal interruptions of December. BUT, with any luck you should have an actual proper film to look at before the next paper animation. Ok bye bye gotta keep DRAWING!!!!!!!!!!!




You really like those caterpillar worm? Faces. Amazing as always!


these just keep getting better, I love them so much!