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Hello here are a lot of pictures! There is context! I will tell it to you!

As you probably know, the top tier of this Patreon is one where I send you a physical drawing each month! It has finite spaces because I can obviously only do a finite number of drawings, but over time that limited number still adds up to quite a lot of drawing.

Lately, each drawing has doubled as a frame in a monthly paper animation (which I hope has made them even more special to recipients!), but for the first 12 months of running this Patreon, each drawing was an unrelated illustration. During that time it was really the only sketchbook I kept; for any ideas I wanted to figure out on paper, these drawings were my outlet. They all had to be a lot nicer and more resolved than my usual scribbly sketchbook drawings though.

I would pick one to digitally colour in at the end of each month and share online, but otherwise I never showed these drawings to anyone but the intended recipients- if I knew everything was going to be seen by everyone, I think the pressure would have made it a lot harder to come up with so many new illustrations.

Even though each drawing was different, there were definitely motifs and themes I kept revisiting- I remember drawing a lot of worms and caterpillars, a lot of birds, and a lot of drawings of my cat. The drawings were given out at random so I’m very sorry if someone got my cat every single month!

ANYWAY now these monthly drawings have turned into frames in my monthly paper animations, which at first might sound harder and maybe it is, but it also means I only have to come up with ONE idea each month, and frees up my sketchbook to be raw and bad and private again. It also means I'm comfortable sharing these drawings with you!

So, here are 100 of them! That’s not all of them, but 100 is still a lot right? I’ve also attached a .pdf file if that’s an easier way of dealing with all of these. Enjoy!!!!



Carsen Kelliher

these are all so fresh and good.


The Family and I LOVE getting your art and all gather round each month to open the envelope. Can’t wait to fill up a section of my wall with them to have something amazing to look at while I’m working!