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Hello all, and happy September! It's been an exciting start to the week here, with the trailer for the film going public. The frog is out of the bag! Now it's just a matter of making the rest of the film exist so the trailer isn't a lie.

Here are the Pen Pal drawings for this month, which I'll be sending out in the next day or so.

They're an animation again, kinda- this time they're all distinct illustrations from each other, but together their silhouettes make an animated form. This one was really fun to do and I documented the process, so exclusive coin friends and up can look forward to a little making-of video for this one soon!

Big love and big thank for all your support <3



Steve Z

Haha! Amazing as always! Look forward to seeing which one arrives :) :) :)


hell yeah love this, the transitions are so crazy then the number going keeps it solid, awesome stuff!