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Hey everyone,

I haven’t been at work for most of this week. Shortly after my last post on here, our one-year-old was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. He is still recovering, but today he was able to come home, and is in a much better state than when we took him in.

It’s been one of those awful scenarios where we could tell he wasn’t ok for days and kept taking him to doctors, but he was repeatedly dismissed or misdiagnosed so that once someone realised he needed treatment, he was already quite ill.

So, I’ve been at the hospital every day instead of busily making things for you to see. Work will resume now, and updates will resume shortly after, once there’s enough work to look at. But as I said, the little one is still recovering, so there’s always chance we may have to drop everything and whisk him to hospital again (but let’s hope not).

This post probably wasn’t necessary, since I don’t post to a regular schedule on here anyway, but animation is slow enough as it is! All your support means the world to me and to my family, so I’d like you to know how the work you pay for is- or isn’t- progressing.

Oh also, out the window yesterday, we watched a guy on a secluded path at the back of the Children’s Hospital grounds feed an entire sausage roll to a Staffordshire terrier. Weird right!




You deserve all the support you are getting, I hope your little one gets well soon! Warm regards to you and your family :) Animation can definitely wait a little bit.


I hope your son is on the mend and that you're all safe and sound. ~ Self-quarantined in White Rock, British Columbia.