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Before starting this Patreon and working on other people's animation full time, I was usually too burnt out at the end of the day to work on my own animations, so making music was my main personal creative outlet. It’s something that I’ve always done, but apart from the Double King album I’ve never really published any of it.
ONE of the projects I’ve been considering doing after this current film (there are a few), is to finish up and release some of my music with an animated element- like a music video, or maybe even an entire “visual album” type thing if I’m feeling extra ambitious. I’ve worked on a lot of music videos and I love doing them, but I’ve only done them for other people. I love doing soundtracks for my own animations, but it would be fun to let music completely dictate the mood and the timing for a change.

ANYWAY, here is a track I made a while ago called “thin air”, which would be a part of this theoretical future project. I don’t know if or when the project will happen, or if I’ll release any of the music ahead of time, so this may not be “officially” out anywhere apart from here for quite a long time. I hope you like it!
I’ve also attached it as a download link at the bottom of the post if you would like to put it into your music library (don't leak it though, thanks!)




You're so good at making stunningly intricate animations and kaleidoscopic images that even just abstract shapes moving in patterns to your music would be amazing.

Mukunda Modell

I like your music a lot and I'm sure this animated album thing will be amazing when/if you decide to do concentrate on it as a project.