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Hello! Sorry to leave you all signing up to this page with absolutely nothing on it- I launched the page shortly before I went to bed. But I’m here now, and wow! The response so far has been incredible. My little family and I thank you all so so much! With this much support it looks quite likely I’ll be able to work on my personal films full time, which has always seemed like the impossible dream- especially now with a little one to support.
So today is, effectively, the first day of a new job! A job which mostly consists of making the films I already want to make, but now it’s actually fiscally responsible. The other part of the job of course, which is a lot more new to me, is running this page for all you lovely supporters, and I hope I do a good job for all of you!

The way I’ve decided to run this page is to provide an outlet for the daily work I do. While an entire animated film takes a long time to make, there is still new art being made every day of production. They might all be blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details in the context of the final “piece”, but they’re still there to be appreciated. My experience of my own films is in slow motion, spending time considering and labouring over these little details. And now, you can follow along with me and see these films the way I see them!
Hence, as you may have noticed, I’ve opted to make this Patreon a pay-per-month deal instead of a per-project deal. My films aren’t all a set length- some might be short and take weeks, some might be long and take months or years, but either way there will always be the same rate of new things I can show for it on here.

Right now, I’m working on that frog film you would’ve seen a glimpse of in the Patreon trailer! Anyone paying upwards of $5 can expect to see some of that in the coming days. As I hope I explained clear enough in the tier descriptions, the $5 tier will grant you access to a development blog which will show you regular sneak peeks, works-in-progress and other little updates as the film progresses. And for $30 and up I’ll be keeping an extensive diary where I talk all about what I’m making, show latest cuts of the film, and also get into how I’m making it all. If I actually had a production team, you’d basically see everything they would see!

And of course the other perks I mentioned- the ones I can provide soonest, since they already exist, are the downloads of previous films and soundtracks! I’ll start getting that stuff up ASAP, I just need to do some research into the best way to securely distribute files to Patreon users since this is all new to me. Also, my internet connection is through an old 1950s cloth phoneline which drops out constantly and completely stops working when it rains (this is all true), so it might take a while to upload my whole back catalogue to wherever it is I’m uploading it.

In the meantime, make yourselves at home, and any suggestions about the content you would like to see with this Patreon would be appreciated! I’ve done my best to guess what sorts of things I can offer my supporters that I’m personally comfortable with, and won’t take too much time away from the main event of getting these films made. But of course, knowing what you all think would be very handy going forward with this thing.

Thank you all so much again, and I’m looking very forward to you all joining me on my adventures in Cartoon Land.


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