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Wayyy back in my Patreon announcement video about 200 years ago, one of the things I said I wanted to do on here was "early access or discounts on limited edition signed prints". But then I didn't do any prints on which to offer that early access, or those discounts!

WelI thought I should finally change that, so here is a Risograph print of a snail, wearing a shoe!

These will be selling to the general public for $50 USD each, BUT for the next week, it's going to only be on a secret pre-order page for patrons, for $38!

Here is the page, and the password is: hellosnail

This is based on a Pen Pal drawing from yonks back, so one of you must own the original sketch! If this goes well I'd like to do prints of film posters when I release animations and stuff like that, but I thought we'd start with a slow little snail, and see how it goes.

I haven't used this particular ecommerce setup before, so if someone hits a snag let me know and we'll get it sorted <3

This current offer is obviously for patrons only, so please don't share the link around! And if you do buy one, thank you!!!! But please just get one- if somebody buys like 100 prints I will refund them lol

And to everyone who doesn't buy one, obviously thank you as well!!! By virtue of you reading this I am already receiving your generous support, and it feels weird telling you ways to spend more money. But the prints exist now, and if you'd happen to like one, I'd happen to like you not to pay as much!



Lucas Pritchard

I get paid tomorrow, can't wait to order one