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February is here after January lasted about 7 weeks and I'd like to welcome you all the to the 2nd annual Flashback February! 

But you might be saying to yourself: "Castle, you made an entire post with an audio schedule after getting back fro your move, what happened??" An excellent question. I made the crucial error of establishing dates for the audios and Murphy's law immediately kicked in. My microphone did not take well to the move (My box of equipment was damaged In the move) and now my MacBook Air that I got in 2017 is in its final death throes. All attempts to record have led to a static fest, so I'll be borrowing some friend's equipment to catch up! Rachelle's audio will still be posted and then we'll get into this month properly!!

Thank you all of your patience, I hope you're looking forward to these blasts from the past!




As excited as we are for everything coming up, I’m sure everyone also completely understands and is willing to be patient

Red Raven 24

I'll wait forever and a day to listen to your fab videos, and we can all agree that Murphy's Law thou art a heartless bitch