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I sighed, turning over a page in one of the many books on Delphaen history that lined the library shelves. Since meeting with Clara all those weeks ago, I'd been pouring over the various texts to try and learn as much about the country I'd been dropped into as I could. There was so little that the game had actively told the player, that it was basically like starting from scratch, even with Elizaveta's memories. She was only ten at this point, and had only been taught so much.

In this nation, there were twelve major noble families ranging from the lowly baron all the way up to the royal family. And then each of those major noble families had anywhere between three and seven branch houses that were technically nobles, but didn't have official titles. The Chernov family had four branches -- the Lebedev, the Orlov, the Utkin, and the Voronin. Each had been started by a daughter of the first Count Chernov while his son took over the main family.

I sighed again, turning the page while muttering to myself. "And they couldn't have slipped this information into the artbook or something?"

"Are you reading again, Young Miss?"

I looked up to see Nanny Frisk coming into the library with a tray of snacks in her hands.

"Yes, Nanny," I responded, watching as she settled the tray on the desk next to me. Her hands moved with practiced ease as she poured the tea and added the specific amount of milk and sugar that Elizaveta didn't even have to ask for anymore. Which was good, as I didn't know what it was.

"You've been so engrossed in the history texts lately," Missus Frisk noted as she settled my tea cup in front of me without the delicate porcelain making a sound. "I don't know how a girl your age can understand them. I can barely wrap my head around them half the time."

"It's easier if you think of them like stories," I said, reaching for a flakey croissant before Missus Frisk even set the plate fully on the desk.

"Stories, eh," Missus Frisk echoed, her warm eyes glittering in amusement. "I suppose I've never been one for any story more complicated than a fairytale."

"Unless it's gossip?" I asked.

The old woman laughed, tossing her head back. "Aye, Young Miss. Unless it's gossip."

She patted my head and plucked the tray up from the desk, bustling off while chortling to herself. I watched her go before turning back to the book before me. It told the story of the first King of Delphae, and how he won the land back from great and terrible monsters that once covered the land with the help of eleven fearless knights that the history books called paladins -- the founders of the twelve noble families.

I munched on the warm, buttery croissant as I flipped the page, reading on. The next page was mostly just a listing of all the people who participated in the battle, and which family they belonged to. It made my eyes glaze over, and I quickly flipped to the next page. So much for a fun romp through mythologized history.

Sipping the warm, clove-heavy tea, I turn my thoughts away from history and to the problem ahead of me: how was I going to survive the plot of the game? I paused, teacup just under my chin as I realized that I had no idea which route the heroine would take. The question of which route was considered 'canon' was of furious debate within certain parts of the fandom. A particularly aggressive girl at my school had insisted over and over again (once she'd found out I also played the game) that the only route that mattered was the prince's. That any other was not canon and should summarily be ignored.

I could feel a headache coming on just thinking of her, though her name and face seemed lost in the fog that was Elizaveta and I's combined memories. Which was probably for the best, even without her awful opinions on the game, she'd been a terrible bully. I never understood her vehement insistence in only ever playing the prince's route. Doing so missed the point entirely, and locked her out of several bonus routes that people were still uncovering when I'd...

I shook my head, stuffing another croissant in my mouth to distract me from those thoughts. It was a shame I hadn't been reborn as the heroine. I would have gone for the harem route that got discovered about a year after the game had been out. I hadn't managed to unlock that one yet, but my friend had managed to do so and the two of us read the walk-throughs online together before she started.

My hands clenched around my teacup, the heat seeping through the porcelain and into my trembling hands. My friend...my only real friend. I couldn't remember her name or her face. She, too, had been lost in the fog just like the bully girl.

That just wasn't fair.

I heard the door to the library open once more, sending me scrambling to wipe away the tears that spilled over my cheeks. I turned and saw the count standing in the doorway.

"How did I know I'd find you here," he said, a touch of teasing in his tone. He paused, his smile falling as he approached. "Your eyes are red."

"It must be the dust," I lied, cursing inwardly.

The count hummed, glancing around at the meticulously maintained collection on the shelves. "I shall have to instruct the maids to be more vigilant" He reached out and set a warm, gentle hand on my head. It was a strangely comforting sensation, and something I couldn't remember ever experiencing in my...past life. And yet, it happened so often in this one. How odd.

"But I did not come here to speak of dust," the Count said. "I came to tell you something important."

I blinked up at him owlishly, curious about what this important something could be. "Yes?"

"The queen has sent out formal invitations to her birthday ball," the Count said. "The whole family has been invited to attend."

I blinked once more, his words sinking in. "The...whole family, father?"

"Yes," the count said with a nod. "You and your brother will be accompanying your mother and I to the capital for your first taste of the social season."

I stared at him, feeling the blood drain from my face. Social season? But I was still several years out from debuting! I wasn't ready to parade in front of all the nobles of high society, let alone the queen! And what if the heroine was there?!

The count quickly noticed my failing countenance, his expression becoming panicked.

"Elizaveta?! Don't faint now, my dear!"

"Too late..." I muttered, my vision blurring before the world went dark as the count shouted my name.


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