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Today I added 1,673 words to my project, bringing the total to 22,923! 

Rolling hills of grass and wildflowers quickly gave way to a patchwork of farmland. In the distance, the grand Indigo lighthouse stood atop a seaside cliff, the kingdom's castle mirroring it on the other side. Between them, Indigo's capital city -- it's only true city -- glistened. Tiles of indigo sea glass dotted the roofs, making the buildings look like part of the sea. Towering masts of trade ships dotted the harbor, their white sails akin to clouds.

"It's beautiful," Ayden murmured.

"Have you ever seen the sea before?" Percival asked, his eyes on the shimmering sea on the horizon line.

"Once," Ayden said. "When I was very young. My mother took me to the southern coast. The water was brighter there. Like turquoise. In some places you could see straight to the bottom."

"Ah, Blue's famous Southern Ocean," Laurent mused. "I like the sound of that much better."

"Everyone look alive," Addie called. "There's guards at the gate."

Laurent cursed under his breath. Ayden and Fionna shot each other a knowing look. They had to hide. If nothing else, their white hair was a dead giveaway that they did not belong there.

"Are they looking in the carts?" Percival asked.

"Can't tell," Addie admitted. "Maybe some of them?"

Fionna was already crouching on the carriage floor, trying not to step on anyone's feet. "Get down, Your Highness."

Ayden wasn't sure she'd been able to. Before she could try, she felt someone's hand wrap around her shoulders and pull her down sideways. Her head hit something soft, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Percival's stiff expression. It dawned on her. Her head was in his lap.

Her vision quickly went black as Laurent threw a blanket Lady Jasper had sent with them over Ayden's body, the fabric draping down enough that Fionna could also hide underneath it. The young woman's breath was rapid, clearly on the edge of panic. Ayden reached down, offering her hand. Fionna grasped it in her own, her grip strong enough that it hurt a little.

"This will never work," she muttered.

Percival shushed her. "It's getting dark out. If we don't open the curtains much, we might be able to manage."

The silence was palpable as they approached the gate. Ayden could almost be convinced she could hear Percival's pulse from where her ear was pressed against his thigh. She gripped Fionna's hand as the carriage rolled to a stop and Addie began chatting with the guards. She could barely make out the excuses and lies her maid spun on the spot. A pair of honeymooners on route to some seaside villa. Very tired. Likely asleep. Very rich and important. Would have their hides if someone where to wake them before they reached their destination.

Ayden held her breath. And she waited.


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