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I added 1,641 words to my project, bringing the total word count to 11,690!

"Won't they try and stop us?" Percival asked.

"Probably," Addie admitted. "That's why you should probably brace yourself for a bumpy ride."

Ayden settled herself in the carriage's plush interior. Everything was covered in highly polished dark wood or red velvet. It made her a bit ill.

"The Red Queen will not be happy we took her carriage," Laurent pointed out, sounding excited at the prospect.

"All the better, then," Ayden muttered. "She can walk back to the Red Kingdom for all I care."

"On that, we're in agreement," Percival said with a heavy sigh as he climbed up into the carriage, slamming the door shut behind him. He stuck his head out the window at Addie. "Can you drive?"

Addie merely smirked at him before climbing up into the driver's seat.

He looked nervous as he settled back into his seat. "I'll take that as a no."

The carriage started with a jerk, nearly sending Ayden tumbling off her seat. She pressed her hands against the walls of the carriage to try and brace herself as the carriage raced for the open gate. She could hear the shouts of the guards, and her heart jumped in her chest. What if they were caught? What if Addie couldn't get them out?

"I'd duck down if I were you, Your Highness," Laurent suggested casually. "Wouldn't want them to see you through the windows, you know."

Ayden practically threw herself across the carriage seat, covering her head with her arms as they rocketed towards the gate. She peeked up at the two noblemen across the carriage from her. The young Lord Vermillion looked distinctly uncomfortable; his legs tensed as he attempted to brace himself against the violent rocking of the carriage without actually looking like he was bracing himself. Lord Pine, on the other hand, seemed eternally amused by the goings on around him, his legs elegantly crossed at the knee with his hands resting atop them as if he were watching an evening play. Ayden supposed it was only right that they be so dissimilar. Their Sacred Hues were created in opposition to each other, after all. Something about balance or some such.

Addie let out a loud whooping sound from the driver's seat, and Ayden felt brave enough to peek out the window. She watched as they passed through the gate, leaving the guards in the dust as the giant draft horses that pulled their carriage galloped over the cobblestone bridge. Sitting up more, she looked out the back window to see the royals gathering at the main castle door to see what the fuss was about. She could see her mother standing out front of the crowd, but could not see her expression at this distance.

"Well, that was fun," Laurent chuckled. "I'm afraid you poked your head up a bit too soon, Your Highness. Someone almost certainly saw you."


The young Lord Pine blinked at her, his smile falling into a confused pout. "I beg your pardon?"

"I've essentially abandoned the throne," she said, turning back to face the two noblemen. "And if this doesn't work, then there's no crown in the future for me. At this point, I'm no royal. So...just call me Ayden."

"Ayden," Laurent repeated, his smile returning. "Lovely to meet you, Ayden. Now...please tell me we actually have a plan."


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