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Today begins nanowrimo and I managed 1,728 words!

The Queen of Blue knew the prophecy. It was impossible not to in the kingdoms. It seeped into every decision of every person like wine into a gown. No monarch would dare risk their rule by disobeying it.

So why did she pretend it didn't exist every time the King of Red looked at her with such desire?

She knew it to be wrong before he even approached her. The King was already promised to another, the eldest daughter of the Vermillion family, if she remembered correctly. And yet, when his warm hand settled on her waist she forgot such trivialities. Perhaps it was the taboo that made each encounter so delicious. Or perhaps she'd just been so deprived that any touch sent her skin aflame, regardless of who it came from.

She couldn't be sure when it started. During some ball, she supposed, or perhaps during their all-too-often trade negotiations. The small land bridge between their nations connected the two halves of the continent, after all. They had to meet frequently so that the needs of every nation could be met. It had nothing to do with their barely hidden affair.

At least, that's what she told herself.

She had the sense to feel guilty when they met in a long-forgotten guest chamber the night before his wedding. Not enough to stop, of course, but there was a twinge of sympathy for the Vermillion daughter as the King's hands slipped up her back.

She knew the future Queen of Red was suspicious. The woman was sharp as a pin. There was no way she would have missed the glances and the way they tended to disappear from events at similar times. But what could she do? If she raised the alarm, no one would believe her. What monarch would risk breaking their oath in such a selfish way?

They would, but the public would never believe it.

And even if they did, where would that leave her? She was to be a queen, yes, but only through marriage. Should the King be deposed, she'd be left without a crown. And then what use would she be to her family?

Their secret rendezvous would not be ruined by the loose lips of a petty little noble girl. Of that much, the Queen was certain.

No, it was something else that threatened to ruin them.


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