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Today I added 2397 words to Seek the Oasis, bringing the total to 9122!

A wolf. Human stories that made their way into the tribes described them as fearless hunters, but also evil deceivers. Aysel remembered one story of a wolf that disguised Itself as a young girl's grandmother in order to eat her. Though, the creature before her seemed unlikely to do such a thing. Not unless it had some kind of magical power.

"Are you going to eat me?" Aysel asked the wolf.

The wolf said nothing. Either it was simply shy, or it did not have any magic. Aysel wasn't entirely sure which explanation was more disappointing.

"I'm going to go now, friend," Aysel said, leaning down to smile at the wolf. The creature's head turned curiously to the side, as If confused by her words.

"I hope the next time we meet you will have magical powers. Then we can talk, and you can tell me If you would actually disguise yourself as an old woman to eat someone."

Aysel clicked her tongue at Sonnak, who seemed more than happy to escape the wolf. As they wandered further into the forest, Aysel could feel the eyes of the wolf following her. She turned to look over her shoulder but did not find anything there.

"Maybe It was magic after all…"


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