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A request for Steph, who asked for my Pokemon Sword/Shield OC Peggy going on a date with Milo. Sorry this is terribly late, I hope you enjoy it. Our winner for June/July is CallieQ! Reach out to me with your request at your earliest convenience :D

Milo wasn’t usually the type to rush things. Everything at its own pace was his philosophy. So when he sent Peggy a text telling her to meet him as soon as possible, she got a little worried. Not too worried, though, because if it was a real emergency Milo would have flat out called her. But still. Just the tiniest bit of worry.

Wasn’t like she was about to show it though.

She trotted up the hill towards the spot Milo mentioned, petting wooloo along the way because how could anyone resist that much fluff. She could see Milo just around the other side of the large, shady tree. He was dressed casually, and Peggy rarely saw him in anything other than the gym uniform or work overalls these days.

Actually, she rarely saw him at all. They’d both been so busy. Her with her duties as Galar’s champion and him with his gym and farm. Where had the time gone?

“Milo?” she called. “What was that text about? You had me worried.”

Milo turned and smiled at her, holding his hat to his heart. “Ah, sorry, sorry. I just figured you wouldn’t come unless it sounded at least a little urgent.”

Peggy winced at the guilt that shot through her. He was probably right. With everything going on, she hadn’t even been in Galar the past few weeks. “Well, I’m here now.”

Milo grinned. “Good! It’d be a shame if this food went to waste.”


Milo reached out, taking her hand and pulling her around the tree. Hidden just out of view was a gingham blanket and a wicker basket brimming with fruits, cheeses, breads, and all manner of other things that Peggy couldn’t quite see. A darkly-tinted glass bottle of some homemade concoction stood next to the basket along with two wine glasses.

“You mentioned you hadn’t had a picnic in a long while,” Milo said.

“Not since I was a wee lass,” Peggy muttered, shocked that Milo even remembered that throw-away line.

“Well, I thought we could have one. If you have the time.”

Peggy stood on her tip-toes, pulling Milo down by the shirt to plant a kiss on his cheek. “For you, I’ll make the time.”


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