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Today I added 2623 words to Match.God, making my total current word count 23,062!

Eventually, after the sun had gone down over the horizon, Hannah found her thoughts drifting back towards the bed. Maybe it was about time for her to get some decent sleep on a plane.

She stood, stretching a bit. Death leveled her with a curious look, his question obvious despite being unspoken.

“I’m gonna go to bed,” she said. “See if I can’t sleep well on a plane for once.”

Death nodded. “I understand. Sleep well, Ha-yun. I will wake you when it is time for breakfast.”


Hannah walked towards the back of the suite where the bathroom and bed resided. Or, at least, she was going to. She suddenly felt a hand wrap around hers, halting her in her tracks. Turning, she saw Death holding her hand, staring curiously at the seam where their skin touched. His hand was cold, and strangely smooth. It was like touching a statue brought to life.

“What is it?”

Death snapped out of his trance, releasing her hand as quickly as he’d grabbed it. “My apologies. I just…felt the sudden urge to hold your hand as you were leaving.”

“Oh.” What the hell was Hannah supposed to say to that? “Uh…are you satisfied?”

Death’s brows furrowed, confusion making itself known on his face. “I…am not sure.”

Hannah frowned, entirely unsure what to do in this situation. This was like something out of a cheesy shoujo manga, or a particularly vanilla romance novel. And Hannah would only admit to reading one of those.

“Well, I’m still going to go to sleep,” Hannah said. “But you could…I don’t know, you could hold my hand while I sleep, I guess.”

Death’s eyes snapped up to look at her, startling her a little. “You would not be opposed to such a thing?”

“I mean…I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want you to do it?”

Death stood, adjusting his dark clothing. “Very well. We shall attempt it.”

Hannah went about her normal bedtime routine with Death hovering just out of reach. She still wasn’t used to him observing her all the time, and doubt she ever would get used to it. She changed into the prepared pajamas, stuffing the spare pair in her carryon luggage while Death watched in silent confusion. Whatever, he didn’t really need to understand.

She settled into the bed, which was pretty cozy all things considered. Death sat next to her atop the covers, waiting patiently for her to get comfortable. He reminded her a bit of a child at a doctor’s office – awkward and more than a little bit nervous.

“Here,” Hannah said, offering him her hand. “I sleep on my back so this should be pretty easy.”

Death took the offered hand, and Hannah thought he looked practically giddy about it. Was he really all that excited to hold her hand? Was he that touch starved? Well, she supposed not many people would be willing to hold hands with a death god.

“Happy?” she asked.

“I believe so,” Death affirmed. “We shall see how I feel later.”

“Just make sure this is the only thing you do while I’m sleeping,” Hannah warned. She was only half-joking. While she was fairly certain Death wouldn’t be interested in much beyond the hand holding he suddenly craved, but one could never be too cautious.

“Of course,” Death said firmly, his face taking on a stony seriousness. “As I stated previously, I wish to make your stay with me as comfortable as possible. I do not want even a moment of your time with me to be unpleasant due to anything I do.”

“Oh. Well…good to know.” Hannah shut her eyes, ending the conversation there. “Good night.”

“Sleep well, Ha-yun.”


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