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A snippet from today's Nanowrimo - 


“Ugh, no more trees for me,” she muttered, rolling her shoulders back. She was definitely taking the first tram she saw going towards Main Street. 

“Did you have fun on your little adventured, Miss Flannery?”

Flannery immediately tensed. She hadn’t been paying attention to her surroundings, clearly. Otherwise she should have felt that nasty, caustic aura coming from a mile away. She turned, finding only one of the Grimm brothers standing beside her on the sidewalk. There was something particularly cold about this one’s energy. She assumed this meant the brother addressing her was Jacob. He seemed the calmer, colder of the two. 

“None of your business, asshole,” she spat. “In case you hadn’t noticed, I don’t want anything to do with you. Now back off.” 

She turned to start booking it towards the nearest tram station, which was just a little over a block away at this point. She was stopped, however, by a strong, freezing grip on her wrist. Without thinking, she took Conor’s advice.

Her fist connected with the fleshy part of Jacob’s cheek. Flannery was pretty sure it surprised him more than it hurt him – or maybe not, considering how much her hand hurt – but it did make him release her wrist.

“Never touch me again,” she warned. 

“Really, Miss Flannery. Are we resorting to assault now?” Jacob asked, his voice devoid of emotion despite the clear anger in his eyes. 

“Technically, by grabbing me, you assaulted me first,” Flannery argued. “Besides, do you really think anyone in this town would believe that I punched you without provocation? Everyone knows you’re a goddamn creep, Jakey. I’m amazed you haven’t gotten the snot beat out of you already. Now. I’ll say this one more time. Back off.”

Flannery turned once more, running towards the tram station. She decided to not take any chances that Jacob was following her and bypassed the station. She continued running, passing several tram stations before coming to one that actually had a tram at it. She hopped on, not bothering to check if it was actually heading towards Main Street until it was already moving. She finally sat, hissing as she rubbed at her throbbing hand. She really hoped she hadn’t broken her fingers with that impulsive move. 


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