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A snippet from today's Nanowrimo's writing - 


“So, do you do magic?” Flannery asked, leaning in conspiratorially. 

Conor stared at her for a moment, pale, golden eyes sharp and unreadable. A smirk pulled at their lips, and Flannery noticed for the first time how sharp their canines were. They leaned in, almost nose-to-nose with her.

“In a way.” Conor’s voice was deep and ragged when they spoke, their aura pushing against Flannery’s in a way that wasn’t exactly aggressive, but was certainly very noticeable, even to a novice like her. “But not like you and Granny. It’s different. Ask your little buddy Kai. He might tell you a thing or two about it.” 

Conor leaned back, downed the rest of their coffee in a few deep gulps. They snatched up the rest of their sandwich and waltzed out the door with a salute. “See you, Hood.” 

Flannery felt herself melt against the counter, all the strength in her arms suddenly gone. It was almost as if Conor’s aura had been holding her up with sheer force of will. It’d been such a strange feeling. Almost as if she could feel herself pressing up against a large, ancient tree when Conor’s aura touched hers. Conor was definitely one of the reincarnated fairytale people. But who, was the question. And what did they mean by ‘ask Kai’? Did Kai do magic. Or…magic ‘in a way’ as Conor put it. Flannery hummed, taking a minute to compose herself. How weird. Then again, the whole situation was weird.

She turned to Granny, who was mixing ingredients for some baked good or another. “Do you know what Conor meant by all that?”

“Not a clue, sweetie,” Granny said over her shoulder. “I’ve never seen Conor perform magic, though I know they are magical in nature – just like the rest of us Storied Folk.”

“Storied Folk?” Flannery repeated, curious.

“That’s what we call ourselves,” Granny explained. “Easier to say than ‘those poor bastards that got reincarnated from a fairytale’, don’t you think?”

“Very much so,” Flannery agreed with a laugh. “I wonder what they meant by that, though.”

Granny shrugged, going back to her mixing. “I suppose you’ll just have to see, won’t you sweetie?” 


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