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Crossover fanart of My Little Pony and the book The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen by K.J. Charles. This is the first book of The Doomsday Books. This excellent adult historical gay romance is set on Romney Marsh during the Regency period. I adored it the first time I read it in June and it was just as good the second time in September! When I love something this much I often feel compelled to ponify it. Here are my pony interpretations of the romantic leads Joss Doomsday (left) and Sir Gareth Inglis (right).

ID 1: Two Earth pony stallions holding hooves together on Romney Marsh. Joss, a standard height brown stallion, stands on the left of screen with his left front leg up and Gareth, a creamy yellowish tall and lanky stallion, stands next to him with his front right hoof over the brown stallion’s extended leg. The brown stallion looks at Gareth with honey yellow eyes that are crinkled from Joss’ large toothy grin. Joss has long thick curly dark brown hair and tail. The tail is long and in a brown wrap at its base. Joss has medium brown 5’oclock shadow looking sideburns and beard. Joss wears a long black leather coat over a dark gray waistcoat over a white laced shirt. His coat covers most of his cutie mark. Only the edge of the heart showing a bit of an aerial view of Romney Marsh cut with waterways and a church in the middle. He has unshorn fetlocks over brown hooves. Gareth looks down at Joss with love in his light blue eyes. His eyes have lowered lids under thin eyebrows. His cheeks are flushed with pink. He has a small but sincere smile. His mane is short and two toned sandy yellow. It is cut in a Brutus haircut. His tail it short with flyaway hair. Gareth wears a Regency period rich blue coat over a slightly light blue waistcoat. His white shirt collar is stiff and goes high up over his cheeks. His cravat is tied neatly.  His coat is cut so that his cutie mark of a Stag beetle with a bit of foliage is in prominent view. The background is a bright green Marsh with a single water channel cutting through it. Farther away, behind Joss and on the left of screen is an old church. It has tan walls and light brown roofs over two main rooms and a small towering bit. The sky is light blue with some curling clouds that do not fully obscure the sunny day.

ID 2: Two Earth pony stallions holding hooves together on Romney Marsh. Joss, a standard height brown stallion, stands on the left of screen with his left front leg up and Gareth, a creamy yellowish tall and lanky stallion, stands next to him with his front right hoof over the brown stallion’s extended leg. The brown stallion looks at Gareth with honey yellow eyes that are crinkled from Joss’ large toothy grin. Joss has long thick curly dark brown hair and tail. The tail is long and in a brown wrap at its base. Joss has medium brown 5’oclock shadow looking sideburns and beard. His cutie mark is a heart with an aerial view of a church between waterways on Romney Marsh. Lime green foliage sprouts from the top of the heart. He has unshorn fetlocks over brown hooves. Gareth looks down at Joss with love in his light blue eyes. His eyes have lowered lids under thin eyebrows. His cheeks are flushed with pink. He has a small but sincere smile. His mane is short and two toned sandy yellow. It is cut in a Brutus haircut. His tail it short with flyaway hair.



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