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Here are 9 runner up sketches featuring women from September's round 1 poll for you!  

For this batch the first 7 placed 6th thru 12th and the final 2 I wanted to draw regardless of their placement. 

These sketches in that order are: an extra plump Neopolitan and Cinder in another follow up to their runner up sketches... but wait where is Cinder? a wholesome pregnant Abigail, a super pregnant Lara Croft after touching a mysterious idol, an extra plump Power Girl, a happy and bloated Izzy, an extra blubbery Morrigan being teased by Lilith, a very stuffed Vermeil, a heavily pregnant Cheelai and finally another follow up with Nonon's sketch where Ryuko is now just a ball of mushy goodness in her gut.





Loving all of these ❤️


We all know Izzy would’ve eaten anyone or everyone


Morrigan :3


I gotta agree with the general sentiments - from Izzy's happy fulfillment to Power-Girl and Morrigan's respective annoyances. For me though, Neo's probably the standout (though I'm admittedly kinda biased for her in this XD) - feel like you really got the expressiveness that compensates for her muteness, since her face looks like it just screams "jeez, even as lunch she doesn't agree with me =_=" (or at least that's what it looks to me, since she seems more annoyed or board than in actual pain)